
News & Events
DiAthlete Gavin Griffiths talks with ABC RadioLondon Olympics torchbearer Gavin Griffiths is living proof that a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis is no obstacle to making the most out of life.

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ATAR exams – special provisionsEnd-of-year exams may be far from the minds of students managing diabetes but now is the time to get the process started for obtaining special ATAR provisions.
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Meet LucyLearn about Lucy's journey through the eyes of her mum, and through the video "T1D: Our Lucy".

News & Events
Driving and DiabetesGetting a driver's license is an important milestone for a young adult in terms of gaining independence, including young people with diabetes.

Honours Scholarship The Rio Tinto Children’s Diabetes Centre; A JDRF Global Centre of Excellence, (“the Centre”) based at The Kids Research Institute

Pump failure guidelines

Download hypo/hyper/sick day management guidelines here.

Check out the Centre's video library here
Protection against severe infant lower respiratory tract infections by immune training: Mechanistic studiesResults from recent clinical studies suggest potential efficacy of immune training (IT)-based approaches for protection against severe lower respiratory tract infections in infants, but underlying mechanisms are unclear.