Reply to Farmakiotis et al:Typhoid fever in an inner city hospital: a 5-year retrospective review.This paper comments on the difficulty diagnosing typhoid and other infections causing severe diarrhoea, especially in regions where it is a common problem...
Chronic cat allergen exposure induces a Th2 cell-dependent IgG4 response related to low sensitizationThis study evaluated the relationship between cat allergen–specific biomarkers in adults with cat allergy with and without cat ownership.
Biodiesel exhaust: The need for a systematic approach to health effects researchBiodiesel is a generic term for fuel that can be made from virtually any plant or animal oil via transesterification of triglycerides with an alcohol...
Cross-presentation of cutaneous melanoma antigen by migratory XCR1+CD103− and XCR1+CD103+ dendritic cellsThis report provides new insight into the functional specialization within the broad network of dendritic cells that are responsible for skin immunosurveillance
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder in ICD-11: a new disorder or ODD with a specifier for chronic irritabilityThis letter congratulates Mulraney et al. regarding their paper on disruptive mood dysregulation disorder in children with ADHD.
Genome-wide methylation analysis identifies differentially methylated CpG loci associated with severe obesity in childhood.This study identifies widespread DNA methylation changes in whole blood associated with childhood obesity.
Supply of benzathine penicillin G: the 20-year experience in AustraliaReliable supplies of BPG are essential for delivering the recommended schedule of secondary prophylaxis for people living with RHD.
Towards a PBMC "virogram assay" for precision medicine: Concordance between ex vivo and in vivo viral infection transcriptomesIn this rhinovirus study, we first hypothesized that ex vivo human cells response to virus can serve as a proxy for otherwise controversial in vivo human...
Prevalence and patterns of alcohol use in pregnancy in remote Western Australian communities: The Lililwan ProjectAlcohol use in pregnancy is thought to be common in remote Australian communities, but no population-based data are available.
The Immune Response to Skin Trauma Is Dependent on the Etiology of Injury in a Mouse Model of Burn and Excision.This article investigates the impact of burn & excisional injury on the immune system.