PLAYCE PAWS: The health and developmental benefits of companion animals for young childrenHayley Liz Steve Christian Wenden Zubrick BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. BHlthSc MPH FASSA, FAAMHS, MSc AM PhD Program Head, Healthy Behaviours and Environments; National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow Research Assistant/Data manager, PhD
PLAYCE 2 School: Moving well for optimal child health and developmentHayley Liz Gina Pulan Christian Wenden Trapp Bai BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. BHlthSc MPH BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD BSc, MPH Program Head, Healthy Behaviours and Environments; National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow Research Assistant/
A randomised-controlled trial of a behavioural intervention for optimising social and communication development in newborns at increased likelihood of autism spectrum disordersAndrew Kandice Matt Melissa Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Varcin Cooper Licari PhD M.Psych (Clinical), PhD BCA Marketing, BSc Statistics and Applied Statistics, PhD PhD Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism Research at The Kids
Assistance and Companion Dogs for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fragile XAndrew Gail Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Alvares PhD PhD Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism Research at The Kids Research Institute Australia; Director, CliniKids Senior Research Fellow 08 6319 1698 Andrew.Whitehouse@
WA Register for Autism Spectrum DisordersThe aim of the WA Register for Autism Spectrum Disorders is to monitor diagnostic trends of Autism Spectrum Disorders. These disorders develop in young children and have long-term impact in areas of social interaction, communication and behaviour.