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Metabolomics to predict asthma in children (MAP Study)

Childhood asthma begins as wheeze (a whistling sound produced by the airways during breathing) during pre­school age.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships to Prevent Permanent Lung Disease (APPLE Study)

In partnership with Aboriginal health services, Government agencies and communities, we will develop and implement evidence-based strategies to improve the detection and management of chronic wet cough in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.


Improving lung health of Aboriginal children hospitalised with chest infections – Aboriginal Children’s Excellent (ACE) Lung Health Study

The ACE project is led by Dr Pamela Laird and aims to improve post-hospitalisation follow-up of Indigenous children hospitalised with acute lower respiratory tract infections.


Transforming Families

We want to better understand the relationship between parents/carers and their children who identify as trans or gender diverse with the aim of improving the well-being of the whole family.


Wellbeing study

Burns are a common cause of emergency presentations, and most burn injuries happen to children and adolescents.