An anti-junk food ad from a sports commercial break reduced junk food consumption inclinations, yet junk food ads had minimal to no impactIn Australia, there are concerns that unrestricted junk food advertising during sports broadcasts increases short-term junk food consumption among viewers. Therefore, the present study aimed to estimate the impact of junk food and anti-junk food advertising on consumption inclinations.
Nature play and fundamental movement skills training programs improve childcare educator supportive physical activity behaviorBoth the Nature play and fundamental movement skills professional development programs were effective in improving educators’ self-efficacy to engage children
The Role of Grandparents in Facilitating Children’s Physical ActivityResearch suggests there is considerable opportunity to improve children's movement behaviors while they are being cared for by their grandparents. An understanding of the extent to which grandparent practices facilitate children's engagement in physical activity is critical to the development of health interventions targeting grandparent caregivers.
Population-referenced percentiles for total movement and energetic play at early childhood education and careChildcare services such as preschools and long day care centres have been identified as a key setting to promote physical activity in early childhood as they provide access to large numbers of children for prolonged periods. Yet, specific standards for the type and amount of physical activity children accumulate whilst attending childcare are lacking. The purpose of this study was to derive population-referenced percentile values for children's total movement and energetic play whilst attending early childhood education and care services.

News & Events
Family dogs help kids move and sleep more: new studyResearchers exploring the potential health benefits of pets have found children who regularly walk and play with a family dog are more active, have less screen time, and sleep more.
PLAYCE@Home - understanding the impact of COVID-19 on children’s physical activity, health & developmentHayley Andrea Liz Phoebe Christian Nathan Wenden George BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. BHlthSc (hons), PhD BHlthSc MPH BSc(Neuro), MPH Program
Children's views on outdoor advertising of unhealthy food and beverages near schoolsChildren are often exposed to unhealthy outdoor food advertisements during the school commute. This exposure can have negative public health consequences given childhood weight gain has been linked to the marketing of energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods. This study aimed to explore schoolchildren's lived experiences and attitudes towards outdoor advertising surrounding their schools.
Examining Changes in Implementation of Priority Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Practices, and Related Barriers, Over Time in Australian Early Childhood Education and Care ServicesPromoting healthy eating and physical activity in early childhood education and care is recommended within guidelines and supported by health promotion programs; however, implementation is suboptimal. Evidence suggests implementation within the sector varies over time; however, this has not been empirically examined in relation to implementation barriers.
School physical design and its relation to bullying and student well-beingThe school environment profoundly influences children's development, behaviours, and attitudes. This chapter delves into the relationship between school design and architecture, and their impact on bullying, victimisation, inclusivity, and student well-being. Research underscores the significant impact of school design on student social dynamics, advocating for collaborative efforts among stakeholders to craft effective anti-bullying policies.
Organizational readiness and implementation fidelity of an early childhood education and care-specific physical activity policy intervention: findings from the Play Active trialMany children do not accumulate sufficient physical activity for good health and development at early childhood education and care (ECEC). This study examined the association between ECEC organizational readiness and implementation fidelity of an ECEC-specific physical activity policy intervention.