Risk factors and prognosis of recurrent wheezing in Chinese young children: A prospective cohort studyWe aimed to investigate the risk factors for different wheezing phenotypes in Chinese young children and to explore the prognosis of recurrent wheezing
Genome-wide association analysis identifies 11 risk variants associated with the asthma with hay fever phenotypePrevious analyses of family data from the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study provide evidence that this phenotype has a stronger genetic cause than asthma...
Fish oil supplementation in early infancy modulates developing infant immune responsesMaternal fish oil supplementation during pregnancy has been associated with altered infant immune responses and a reduced risk of infant sensitization and...
Prophylactic use of sublingual allergen immunotherapy in high-risk children: A pilot studyThese findings suggest that this modified version of SLIT should be considered for retesting of mucosal-based immunotherapy for atopic asthma prevention.
Prenatal adverse life events increase the risk for atopic diseases in children, which is enhanced in the absence of a maternal atopic predispositionThere is evidence to suggest an association between prenatal maternal stress and the development of asthma or other atopic diseases in offspring.
Viral infections and atopy in asthma pathogenesis: New rationales for asthma prevention and treatmentProspective birth cohort studies tracking asthma initiation and consolidation in community cohorts have identified viral infections occurring against a...
Comparison of neonatal T regulatory cell function in Papua New Guinean and Australian newbornsWe compared neonatal T reg from children born in western conditions (Australia) with those of neonates born in high microbial conditions (Papua New Guinea)...
Maternal Serum Vitamin D Levels During Pregnancy and Offspring Neurocognitive DevelopmentNew research links poor language to lack of Vitamin D in womb.
Identification and Isolation of Rodent Respiratory Tract Dendritic CellsThis chapter describes the preparation of respiratory tract tissue from both mice and rats for the isolation of respiratory tract dendritic cells (RTDC).
Toward improved prediction of risk for atopy and asthma among preschoolers: A prospective cohort studyAtopy and asthma are commonly initiated during early life, and there is increasing interest in the development of preventive treatments for at-risk children.