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The Engage Study: discovering and delighting in your baby - a pilot study

Andrew Desiree Gail Kandice Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Silva Alvares Varcin PhD MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD PhD M.Psych (Clinical), PhD


The impact of a Mediterranean diet and physical activity in pregnancy on gestational weight gain and neonatal body composition at birth and 1 year of age

Desiree Silva MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD Co-Head, ORIGINS Co-Head, The ORIGINS Project Professor Desiree Silva is Co-Director of ORIGINS and a Professor


Circulating Epithelial Cell Cytokines Are Associated With Early-Onset Atopic Dermatitis

Debbie Susan Palmer Prescott BSc BND PhD MBBS BMedSci PhD FRACP Head, Early Life & Life-Course Health Program; Team Lead, Nutrition in Early Life


Exiting the Anthropocene: Achieving personal and planetary health in the 21st century

Planetary health provides a perspective of ecological interdependence that connects the health and vitality of individuals, communities, and Earth's natural systems. It includes the social, political, and economic ecosystems that influence both individuals and whole societies.


Maternal Fiber Dietary Intakes during Pregnancy and Infant Allergic Disease

Maternal resistant starch consumption was differentially associated with infant phenotypes, with reduced risk of infant wheeze, but increased risk of eczema


Golden Age of Medicine 2.0: Lifestyle Medicine and Planetary Health Prioritized

We emphasize that barriers to planetary health and the clinical application of lifestyle medicine are maintaining an unhealthy status quo


Ovalbumin in breast milk is associated with a decreased risk of IgE-mediated egg allergy in children

Showed for the first time that the presence of an egg-derived allergen in breast milk is associated with a reduced risk of egg allergy in children at 2.5 years of age


Vitamin and mineral supplements: Gut health and probiotics: Probiotics for a healthy microbiome: An evidence-based approach to appropriate product choice

This review discusses the available evidence base to help provide practical guidance when considering probiotics in practice


Early introduction of food reduces food allergy – Pro and Con

When an infant is developmentally ready, a variety of nutritious foods should be introduced including the ‘more allergenic’ foods during infancy


Infective respiratory syncytial virus is present in human cord blood samples and most prevalent during winter months

Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) remains the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract disease amongst infants, and continues to cause annual epidemics of respiratory disease every winter worldwide.