Coupling of response biomarkers between tumor and peripheral blood in patients undergoing chemoimmunotherapyPlatinum-based chemotherapy in combination with anti-PD-L1 antibodies has shown promising results in mesothelioma. However, the immunological mechanisms underlying its efficacy are not well understood and there are no predictive biomarkers to guide treatment decisions.
Basal cell carcinomas on sun-protected vs. sun-exposed body sites: A comparison of phenotypic and environmental risk factorsThere are indications that risk factors for BCC may differ according to the anatomic site of the tumour but this is not well understood.
Lessons from 50 years of curing childhood leukaemiaOne of the great success stories of modern medicine is undoubtedly the remarkable improvement in outcome for childhood cancer, achieved through the work of...
Birthweight and childhood cancer: Preliminary findings from the international childhood cancer cohort consortium (I4C)Background Evidence relating childhood cancer to high birthweight is derived primarily from registry and case-control studies.
Maternal supplementation with folic acid and other vitamins and risk of leukemia in offspring: a childhood leukemia international consortium studyOur results suggest that maternal prenatal use of vitamins and folic acid reduces the risk of both ALL and AML
Germ-line and somatic DICER1 mutations in pineoblastomaThis study suggests that germ-line DICER1 mutations make a clinically significant contribution to PinB, establishing DICER1 as an important susceptibility...
A pre-clinical model of resistance to induction therapy in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemiaRelapse and acquired drug resistance in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) remains a significant clinical problem.
Connective tissue growth factor is expressed in bone marrow stromal cells and promotes interleukin-7-dependent B lymphopoiesisHematopoiesis occurs in a complex bone marrow microenvironment in which bone marrow stromal cells provide critical support to the process through direct cell...
Comparative drug screening in NUT midline carcinomaThe NUT midline carcinoma (NMC) is a rare but fatal cancer for which systematic testing of therapy options has never been performed.
Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome during chemotherapy for childhood medulloblastoma: Report of a case and review of the literatureWe report a patient with high-risk anaplastic medulloblastoma who developed severe HSOS during her second cycle of maintenance chemotherapy.