A Relationship Between Early Language Skills and Adult Autistic-Like Traits: Evidence from a Longitudinal Population-Based StudyThis is the first study to show an association between early language ability and autistic-like traits in adulthood
Brief Report: An Exploratory Study of the Diagnostic Reliability for Autism Spectrum DisorderWe conducted a study that examined the concordance of diagnoses between a multidisciplinary assessment team and a range of clinicians in Australia.
Obesity and associated factors in youth with an autism spectrum disorderPrevalence of overweight/obesity in children and youth with autism spectrum disorder, and associations between weight status and range of factors
The Kids' autism research takes place at CliniKids, a centre that integrates world-class research with a clinical service for children with developmental delay and/or autism and their families. Our team of researchers work in partnership with clinicians to give the community access to the world's best evidence-based therapies.
Perinatal testosterone exposure and autistic-like traits in the general population: a longitudinal pregnancy-cohort studyIncreased prenatal testosterone exposure has been hypothesized as a mechanism underlying autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Early development and regression in Rett syndromeOur findings provide additional insight into the early clinical profile of Rett syndrome.
Application of Population-Based Linked Data to the Study of Intellectual Disability and AutismData linkage is the bringing together of specific datasets from different sources using demographic information on individuals within a population.
Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Autism Spectrum DisorderWe examine the level of comorbidity found between Autism spectrum disorder and Schizophrenia spectrum disorders at a clinical and trait level
News & Events
WA Health funding supports development of new mental health digital tool for autism familiesA co-designed digital tool to address anxiety concerns for children on the autism spectrum is set to be developed and trialled in Western Australia.
Identification of subgroups of children in the Australian Autism Biobank using latent class analysisThe identification of reproducible subtypes within autistic populations is a priority research area in the context of neurodevelopment, to pave the way for identification of biomarkers and targeted treatment recommendations. Few previous studies have considered medical comorbidity alongside behavioural, cognitive, and psychiatric data in subgrouping analyses.