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A novel, palatable paediatric oral formulation of midazolam: Pharmacokinetics, tolerability, efficacy and safety

We conclude that the novel chocolate-based formulation of midazolam provides improved tolerability while remaining efficacious


Single-breath washout and association with structural lung disease in children with cystic fibrosis

Acinar ventilation inhomogeneity measured by single-breath washout was not associated with structural lung disease on CT


Associations between respiratory and vascular function in early childhood

The link between respiratory and vascular health is well documented in adult populations. Impaired lung function is consistently associated with thicker arteries and higher incidence of cardiovascular disease. However, there are limited data on this relationship in young children and the studies that exist have focussed on populations at high risk of cardiorespiratory morbidity.


Ventilatory response and stability of oxygen saturation during a hypoxic challenge in very preterm infants

Preterm infants have immature control of breathing and impaired pulmonary gas exchange. We hypothesized that infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) have a blunted ventilatory response and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) instability during a hypoxic challenge.

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Can a simple urine test predict asthma? New study aims to find out

The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers are investigating whether a simple urine test could predict whether young children with wheezing symptoms will go on to develop asthma.

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Premmie twins defy the odds

When Samuel and James Considine were born in October 2003, perilously close to what the medical world describes as the limit of viability, each weighed just 700 grams and could fit into the palm of their father’s hand.

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Annual Community Lecture: You Are What You Breathe

Join us for our Annual Community Lecture entitled "You Are What You Breathe" with Professor Stephen Holgate.

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Researchers urge caution in how asthma test is used

Researchers are urging caution in the use of a widely accepted test for diagnosing asthma, after their study found it may not be accurate in some settings.

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My child is wheezing – what should I do?

Almost 50 per cent of preschool children will experience at least one episode of wheeze, a whistling sound produced by the airways during breathing.


Consensus statement for inert gas washout measurement using multiple- and single- breath tests

Inert gas washout tests, performed using the single- or multiple-breath washout technique, were first described over 60 years ago.