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Perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisation in Western Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal children

We have quantified the relative influence of perinatal risk factors associated with skin infection hospitalisations in WA children


A collaborative yarn on qualitative health research with Aboriginal communities

In this paper, we seek to provide guidance for researchers who are new to undertaking research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities


Putting ‘Justice’ in Recovery Capital: Yarning about Hopes and Futures with Young People in Detention

We must celebrate success and hope through a process of mapping and building recovery capital in the justice context at an individual and institutional level


Differences in stroke risk and cardiovascular mortality for Aboriginal and other Australian patients with atrial fibrillation

Stroke risk and cardiovascular mortality are markedly higher for Aboriginal than non-Aboriginal patients with atrial fibrillation, particularly for patients under 60

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Video: Aboriginal Asthma

Wadjuk Nyungar man Walter McGuire talks about the importance of air quality to our health.

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Alcohol restrictions a powerful tool for communities

There is growing evidence that alcohol restrictions are effective in empowering communities to reduce the immediate and long term impacts of alcohol.

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Exploring resilience as a pathway to Aboriginal young people's health

Can resilience improve health outcomes in Aboriginal young people? That question will be explored by The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher Clair Scrine.

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Folate success helps Aboriginal kids

More than 30 years of research into the links between folate and neural tube defects has paid off for The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher Professor Carol Bower.


Bigiswun Kid Project: a longitudinal study of adolescents living with high rates of prenatal alcohol exposure, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and early life trauma in remote Australian Aboriginal communities

The Lililwan Project was the first Australian population-based prevalence study of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) using active case ascertainment. Conducted in 2010-2011, the study included 95% of all eligible children aged 7-9 years living in the very remote Aboriginal communities of the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia.


Trends and burden of diabetes in pregnancy among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal mothers in Western Australia, 1998-2015

Diabetes in pregnancy (DIP), which includes pre-gestational and gestational diabetes, is more prevalent among Aboriginal women. DIP and its adverse neonatal outcomes are associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the offspring.