Vaccine decision-making begins in pregnancy: Correlation between vaccine concerns, intentions and maternal vaccination with subsequent childhood vaccine uptakeNew interventions to improve both education and communication on childhood and maternal vaccines may reduce vaccine hesitancy for all mothers in pregnancy
The Use of Test-negative Controls to Monitor Vaccine Effectiveness: A Systematic Review of MethodologyOur review highlights similarities and differences in the application of the test-negative design that deserve further examination
Immunogenicity and Immune Memory after a Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Booster in a High-Risk Population Primed with Pneumococcal Conjugate VaccinePPV is immunogenic in 9-month-old children at high risk of pneumococcal infections and does not affect the capacity to produce protective immune responses
B Part of It School Leaver protocol: an observational study to assess the impact of a meningococcal serogroup B vaccine programme on carriage of Neisseria meningitidisThis study will assess the impact of MenB vaccine (4CMenB) on carriage prevalence in school leavers in South Australia
S. aureus colonization in healthy Australian adults receiving an investigational S. aureus 3-antigen vaccineBased on descriptive analyses of this small study, S. aureus 3-antigen vaccine vaccination did not impact S. aureus acquisition or carriage
Transiently increased IgE responses in infants and pre-schoolers receiving only (DTaP) vaccines compared to those initially receiving at least one dose of DTwP vaccineConfirm the generalised IgE-trophic activity of the DTaP vaccine in pre-schoolers and demonstrate similar (albeit transient) effects in infants
PneuMum: Impact from a trial of maternal pneumococcal vaccination on middle ear disease amongst Indigenous infantsThis study was unable to demonstrate efficacy of 23vPPV in pregnancy against the co-primary outcomes of either all-cause infant ear disease.
Continuous active surveillance of adverse events following immunisation using SMS technologyAutomated SMS-based reporting can facilitate sustainable, real-time, monitoring of adverse reactions and early identification of potential vaccine safety issues
Severe winter asthma exacerbations can be prevented by omalizumab, but there is no carryover effect.Recurrent severe asthma exacerbations are associated with decreased lung growth or accelerated loss of long function and add substantially to cost and morbidity
Genome-wide association study of IgG1 responses to the choline-binding protein PspC of Streptococcus pneumoniaeDelayed development of antibodies to S. pneumoniae in infancy is associated with the development of atopy and asthma.