Friendly schools’ bullying prevention research: Implications for school counsellorsBullying varies in frequency, intensity, duration and hence severity, and contributes uniquely and directly to mental health problems, with severe and long-lasting consequences. Almost a half of school-age students report being bullied in the past year.
The psychosocial burden of childhood overweight and obesity: evidence for persisting difficulties in boys and girlsOverweight and obese children reported greater psychosocial distress than healthy weight children, and these differences were more pronounced for girls than boys.
Bullying Prevalence Across Contexts: A Meta-analysis Measuring Cyber and Traditional BullyingBullying involvement in any form can have lasting physical and emotional consequences for adolescents.
News & Events
Decades of bullying research pays offProfessor Donna Cross and her team at The Kids Research Institute Australia have challenged and overturned damaging attitudes that saw bullying tolerated in childhood.
Neurological and Biological Foundations of Children's Social and Emotional Development: An Integrated Literature ReviewThis article is a review of developmental processes that combine social, health, and learning pathways, and the mechanisms through which these pathways may...
News & Events
Young ambassadors keep researchers on their toesFlat out trying hard to keep up with the ever-changing threats from cyberbullying, The Kids Research Institute Australia counts itself fortunate to have youth on its side.
The moral domain in peer relationships: opportunities for interventions to prevent bullyingPrevious research has focused on identifying the association between moral dimension and bullying behavior, with an emphasis on better understanding the complex processes that children and adolescents trigger during decision-making in immoral situations. However, advances in research on morality and bullying have not been paralleled by the design of intervention programs that promote moral competence. The aim of this chapter is to analyze the moral dimension as a key intervention in the design of holistic models for preventing bullying and promoting defending.
School-based bullying intervention programs in Australia and New ZealandKevin Natasha Helen Runions Pearce Monks BSc (Hons) BEd MA PhD PhD (Public Health), PostGrad Dip (Health Promotion), BApp Sc MPH BA(Psych) PhD
‘It’s All About Context’: Building School Capacity to Implement a Whole-School Approach to BullyingStudent bullying behaviours are a significant social issue in schools worldwide. Whilst school staff have access to quality bullying prevention interventions, schools can face significant challenges implementing the whole-school approach required to address the complexity of these behaviours.
Efficacy of the Aussie Optimism Program: Promoting Pro-social Behavior and Preventing Suicidality in Primary School Students. A Randomised-Controlled TrialAussie Optimism Program with teacher training along with coaching may have the potential to positively impact on suicidality and pro-social behavior in the pre-adolescent years