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The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers share in TPCHRF funding

Eight The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers are among those who have received grant funding from the Telethon-Perth Children’s Hospital Research Fund (TPCHRF).


Body mass index, adiposity rebound and early feeding in a longitudinal cohort (Raine Study)

This study examined the influence of type and duration of infant feeding on adiposity rebound and the tracking of body mass index (BMI) from birth to 14 years


Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and indicators of early immune stimulation: a Childhood Leukemia International Consortium study

The associations between childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and several proxies of early stimulation of the immune system, that is, day-care center...


Factors associated with early cessation of breastfeeding in women with gestational diabetes mellitus

To determine factors associated with early cessation of breastfeeding (≤3 months) in women with recent gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).


Breastfeeding Duration and Residential Isolation amid Aboriginal Children in Western Australia

The objective of this study was to examine the factors that impact on breastfeeding duration among Western Australia Aboriginal children. We hypothesised...

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Mothers learning to Feedsafe

A new phone app developed by The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher Dr Roslyn Giglia is helping mothers change the way they approach alcohol and breastfeeding.

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New research reveals breastfeeding boosts mental health



A systematic review of the importance of milk TGF-β on immunological outcomes in the infant and young child

Cytokines in milk like transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) have been shown to induce oral tolerance in experimental animal studies


Longer duration of exclusive breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of childhood asthma up to age six

Breastfeeding is recommended for all infants irrespective of atopic heredity, although epidemiological studies provide conflicting results in this debate.


The Milk Metabolome of Non-secretor and Lewis Negative Mothers

The functional role of milk for the developing neonate is an area of great interest, and a significant amount of research has been done. However, a lot of work remains to fully understand the complexities of milk, and the variations imposed through genetics. It has previously been shown that both secretor (Se) and Lewis blood type (Le) status impacts the human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) content of human milk. While some studies have compared the non-HMO milk metabolome of Se+ and Se- women, none have reported on the non-HMO milk metabolome of Se- and Le- mothers.