Quantification of walking-based physical activity and sedentary time in individuals with Rett syndromeQuantifying individual's with Rett syndrome with the ability to walk, walking based activities and sedentary time, analyzing a variety of influences.
Community participation: Conversations with parent-Carers of young women with Rett syndromeIn this paper, the issue of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities facing significant challenges to participating in their community is...
Conceptualizing a quality of life framework for girls with Rett syndrome using qualitative methodsExisting quality of life scales for children in the general population or with other disabilities did not capture the QOL of children with Rett syndrome
Building the repertoire of measures of walking in Rett syndromeThis study aimed to determine measurement properties of a modified 2MWT and a modified Rett syndrome-specific FMS-RS in Rett syndrome.
Orthopaedic issues in Rett SyndromeThis chapter reviews the prevalence, characteristics, and clinical management of orthopedic problems in RTT.
Autonomic breathing abnormalities in Rett syndrome: caregiver perspectives in an international database studyOur aims were to characterize the abnormal breathing patterns and abdominal bloating, investigate the distribution of these by age and mutation type and examine their impact and management from a caregiver perspective.
Can telehealth increase physical activity in individuals with Rett syndrome? A multicentre randomized controlled trialTo evaluate the effects of a physical activity programme on sedentary behaviour and physical activity in ambulant individuals with Rett syndrome.
Caring for a child with severe intellectual disability in China: The example of Rett syndromeIntellectual disability affects more than 1.5% of the population of children in developing countries yet we know little about the daily lives and support...
Early development and regression in Rett syndromeOur findings provide additional insight into the early clinical profile of Rett syndrome.
The phenotype associated with a large deletion on MECP2Multiplex ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) has become available for the detection of a large deletion on the MECP2 gene.