A Co-Designed Online Education Resource on Gastrostomy Feeding for Parents and Caregivers to Support Clinical CareChildren with complex needs and severe disability may undergo gastrostomy insertion to support feeding difficulties. Parent education programs are critical components of clinical care pathways but there is little information on parent-reported educational needs. This study describes the collaborative process that yielded a resource to assist parents considering gastrostomy tube placement for their children, and the evaluation of the resource.
What I Wish I Had Known: Examining Parent Accounts of Managing the Health of Their Child With Intellectual DisabilityAppropriate support for the health of children with an intellectual disability by parents and healthcare professionals is pivotal, given the high risk of chronic conditions. However, there is limited research that has collected important insights from parents on their learnings for supporting their child's evolving healthcare needs.
Siblings of Individuals With Neurodevelopmental Conditions: Perspectives on Risk, Resiliency and Future Research DirectionsSiblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) are at increased genetic and environmental risk for poorer psychosocial and neurocognitive outcomes compared to control groups of siblings of individuals without NDCs.

Multigenerational Familial and Environmental Risk for Autism (MINERvA) NetworkThe MINERvA Network will allow more accurate and precise determination of the contributions of familial and environmental factors to the etiology of autism.
Evaluation of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Hub Australia websiteTo evaluate use and utility of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Hub Australia website.
Diagnostic services for developmental coordination disorder: Gaps and opportunities identified by parentsAffecting one in 20 children, Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder impacting a child's ability to learn motor skills. Despite its high prevalence, DCD is under-recognized and under-diagnosed, causing unnecessary frustration and stress for families who are seeking help for their child. This study aimed to understand how parents procure diagnostic services and their perspectives on needed supports and services to improve early identification and diagnosis of DCD.
The development, content and response process validation of a caregiver-reported severity measure for CDKL5 deficiency disorderCDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a severe X-linked developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Existing developmental outcome measures have floor effects and cannot capture incremental changes in symptoms. We modified the caregiver portion of a CDD clinical severity assessment (CCSA) and assessed content and response-process validity.
Surfacing undiagnosed disease: consideration, counting and codingThe diagnostic odyssey for people living with rare diseases (PLWRD) is often prolonged for myriad reasons including an initial failure to consider rare disease and challenges to systemically and systematically identifying and tracking undiagnosed diseases across the diagnostic journey.
The prevalence of mental health disorders and symptoms in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysisMental health conditions and problems are often reported in children and adolescents with CP. A systematic review was undertaken to describe their prevalence.
Risk and protective factors for the health of primary care-givers of children with autism spectrum disorders or ID: a narrative reviewWe aimed to review original research which described factors impacting the health of primary care-givers of children with Autism or Intellectual Disability