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A social-ecological framework for understanding and reducing cyberbullying behaviours

While the CFS findings suggest the combined whole-school response to the mediators was somewhat effective, the study wasn't able to determine the relative...


School policies on bullying and cyberbullying: perspectives across three Australian states

The perspectives of professionals involved in bullying and cyberbullying policy construction, across three different Australian states


Using online environments to build school staff capacity to address student wellbeing

Professional development of school staff can be enhanced with carefully developed and delivered online learning resources


Longitudinal research: Applications for the design, conduct and dissemination of early childhood research

The conduct of longitudinal research in early childhood is the focus of this chapĀ­ter


Children and young people at risk of disengagement from school

The review examines the international literature to determine how disengagement can be defined & understood, & then examines student disengagement in Australia.


Reliability and Validity of a Short Version of the General Functioning Subscale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device

The findings of this study support the use of a GF6+ subscale from the FAD, as a quick and effective tool to assess the overall functioning of families


Accuracy of self-reported private health insurance coverage

Studies on health insurance coverage often rely on measures self-reported by respondents, but the accuracy of such measures has not been thoroughly validated. This paper is the first to use linked Australian National Health Survey and administrative population tax data to explore the accuracy of self-reported private health insurance (PHI) coverage in survey data.


Estimated dietary intake of polyphenols from cereal foods and associated lifestyle and demographic factors in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study

Cereal foods are consumed globally and are important sources of polyphenols with potential health benefits, yet dietary intakes are unclear. We aimed to calculate the dietary intakes of polyphenols from cereal foods in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study, and describe intakes by demographic and lifestyle factors.


The relationship between parental mental health, reflective functioning coparenting and social emotional development in 0-3 year old children

The transition to parenthood is a high-risk period for many parents and is an important period for child development. Research has identified that parental mental health, reflective functioning (capacity to consider mental states of oneself and others) and coparenting (capacity to work together well as a parenting team) may be particularly significant predictors of later child outcomes, however these factors have seldom been considered together.


The neglect of a child with intellectual disability as reported in Australian news media: A Foucauldian discourse analysis

People with intellectual disability experience a high risk of being neglected and family members are often identified as the perpetrators. Analysing the media provides insight into public narratives about social problems. A search of Australian newspapers published between 2016 and 2021 identified 27 articles that predominately reported on a single case of familial neglect of an individual with intellectual disability.