The Importance of Scabies Co-Infection in the Treatment Considerations for ImpetigoTreatment success for scabies co-infection was lower than for impetigo overall, with a higher success seen in the co-trimoxazole group than benzylpenicillin
Improving the health of First Nations children in AustraliaHealth and wellbeing of children and young people are the keys to human capability of future generations.
Alcohol-use disorders during and within one year of pregnancy: A population-based cohort study 1985-2006Given the severe risks to the fetus from heavy prenatal alcohol exposure, assessment and recording of alcohol use should be routinely undertaken in maternity...
Breastfeeding Duration and Residential Isolation amid Aboriginal Children in Western AustraliaThe objective of this study was to examine the factors that impact on breastfeeding duration among Western Australia Aboriginal children. We hypothesised...
Young Aboriginal women's voices on pregnancy care: Factors encouraging antenatal engagementUnderstanding young Aboriginal women's views on pregnancy care is important knowledge to assist maternity services develop localised pathways that encourage...
Suicide trends in Western Australia: an urgent call to actionThe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation project will evaluate the effectiveness of existing suicide prevention services and...
A systematic review of the evidence that swimming pools improve health and wellbeing in remote Aboriginal communities in AustraliaThe benefits that swimming pools may bring to to ear and eye health in remote Aboriginal communities remains unresolved
The social determinants of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide...Consideration of suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must be situated within a context that recognises the impact of racism...
Adjusting for under-identification of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander births in time series produced from birth recordsStatistical time series derived from administrative data sets form key indicators in measuring progress.
Social Gradients in Indigenous HealthThe pattern of association between socioeconomic factors and health outcomes has primarily depicted better health for those who are higher in the social...