Genome-wide association study identifies five loci associated with lung functionPulmonary function measures are heritable traits that predict morbidity and mortality and define chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Sleep problems in Rett syndromeSleep problems are thought to occur commonly in Rett syndrome, but there has been little research on prevalence or natural history.
The association between behaviour and genotype in Rett Syndrome using the Australian Rett Syndrome DatabaseThis study compared the behavior profile of cases in the Australian Rett Syndrome Database (ARSD) with those in a British study using the Rett Syndrome...
Focus Area
Brain and BehaviourThe Brain and Behaviour research theme consists of five programs: Child Health Analytics, Development and Disability, Healthy Behaviours and Environments, Mental Health and Youth, Population Health.
Tonsils at Telethon: developing a standardised collection of tonsil photographs for group A streptococcal (GAS) researchGroup A streptococcus (GAS) infections, such as pharyngitis and impetigo, can lead to rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations experience high rates of RHD and GAS skin infection, yet rates of GAS pharyngitis are unclear.
A pilot study of disease related education and psychotherapeutic support for unresolved grief in parents of children with CFDiagnosis of chronic disease in a child can result in unresolved grief (UG) in parents. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of psychological insight-oriented therapy (IOT) as a treatment for UG compared to disease related education in parents of children with cystic fibrosis. Sequence of delivery, first IOT then disease related education (or vice versa) was also examined, to let all participants experience both interventions.
A comparison of parent-reported and self-reported psychosocial function scores of the PedsQL for children with non-severe burnQuality of life of paediatric patients after burn injury is often assessed through parents who may score differently to their child. Non-severe burns are the most common type of burn injury in Western Australia, however, despite low severity and high survival rates, they can cause long term physical and psychosocial problems which need to be detected early in order to provide patients with optimal holistic care.
Monogenic early-onset lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity: Natural history of STAT3 gain-of-function syndromeIn 2014, germline signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 gain-of-function (GOF) mutations were first described to cause a novel multisystem disease of early-onset lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity.
Assessment of on-time vaccination coverage in population subgroups: A record linkage cohort studyOn-time coverage of the 2-4-6 month schedule is only 50-60% across specific population subgroups representing a significant avoidable public health risk
Developmental regulation of type 1 and type 3 interferon production and risk for infant infections and asthma developmentType 1 and 3 interferon response capacity appears strongly developmentally constrained at birth