Pre-onset risk characteristics for mania among young people at clinical high risk for psychosisWe aimed to identify the rate and predictors of transition to mania in a cohort of youth with clinical or familial risk for psychosis.
Ventricular volumes across stages of schizophrenia and other psychosesThis study aims to investigate ventricular volumes at different stages of psychosis.
Mental health and behavioural problems in adolescents conceived after ARTSTUDY QUESTION: Does mental health and behaviour differ between those conceived with and those conceived without ART? SUMMARY ANSWER: Our study observed less externalizing behaviour (delinquent/aggressive), and more parent-reported internalizing behaviour, as well as more (clinical) depression at age 14 years, in adolescents conceived after ART compared to their non-ART counterparts.
They Told Me “This Isn’t a Hotel”: Young People’s Experiences and Perceptions of Care When Presenting to the Emergency Department with Suicide-Related BehaviourIn Australia, the number of young people presenting to the emergency department with mental health concerns, in particular, suicidal behaviour (defined here as suicidal ideation, thoughts, intent and attempts) is increasing.
Researching the researchers: psychological distress and psychosocial stressors according to career stage in mental health researchersAlthough there are many benefits associated with working in academia, this career path often involves structural and organisational stressors that can be detrimental to wellbeing and increase susceptibility to psychological distress and mental ill health. This exploratory study examines experiences of work-related psychosocial stressors, psychological distress, and mental health diagnoses among mental health researchers.
Racism and Indigenous Adolescent Development: A Scoping ReviewPrevious studies on the impacts of racism on adolescent development have largely overlooked Indigenous youth. We conducted a scoping review of the empirical literature on racism against Indigenous adolescents to determine the nature and scope of this research and to establish associations with developmental outcomes.
Associations between school absence and academic achievement: Do socioeconomics matter?School attendance should therefore be a priority for all schools, and not just those with high rates of absence or low average achievement.
Evidence of a reduction over time in the behavioral severity of autistic disorder diagnosesThis study provides the first clear evidence of a reduction over time in the behavioral severity of individuals diagnosed with Autistic Disorder during a period of stability in diagnostic criteria
Neuroanatomical Predictors of Functional Outcome in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for PsychosisThe poorest functional outcomes have the lowest grey matter densities at identification as ultra-high risk for psychosis
Group mindful self-compassion training to improve mental health outcomes for LGBTQIA+ young adults: Rationale and protocol for a randomised controlled trialYoung adults who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual and other diverse genders and sexualities (LGBTQIA+) are more likely to experience mental health difficulties and are at significantly elevated risk of substance abuse, self-harm and suicide, relative to their heterosexual, endosex and cisgender peers. There is a need for effective mental health interventions for LGBTQIA+ young adults. Mindful Self-Compassion training is a promising approach; among LGBTQIA+ individuals, self-compassion accounts for more variation in mental health outcomes than bullying, victimization, and adverse childhood experiences combined. Furthermore, LGBTQIA+ individuals with high self-compassion report more positive identity and happiness, less self-stigma, and lower suicidality than those with low self-compassion.