At CliniKids, we offer a communication therapy called PACT to caregivers of children who would like some additional support to understand their child’s communication.
Our team of world-class researchers and exceptional clinicians work in collaboration to provide children access to the very best evidence-based therapies and programs.
Find out more about CliniKids' new program which boosts early language skills through book sharing.
At CliniKids, we offer group or individual support for siblings of autistic children.
Community perspectives on the appropriateness and importance of support goals for young autistic childrenResearchers do not know much about what autistic adults, parents and professionals think about support goals for young autistic children. People's views of support goals might also be influenced by their beliefs about early support more generally. This survey involved 87 autistic adults, 159 parents of autistic children and 80 clinical professionals living in New Zealand and Australia.
The first six months of life: A systematic review of early markers associated with later autismThere is now good evidence that behavioural signs of autism spectrum conditions (autism) emerge over the first two years of life. Identifying clear developmental differences early in life may facilitate earlier identification and intervention that can promote longer-term quality of life. Here we present a systematic review of studies investigating behavioural markers of later autism diagnosis or symptomology taken at 0-6 months.
Improving the Journey Before, During and After Diagnosis of a Neurodevelopmental Condition: Suggestions from a Sample of Australian Consumers and ProfessionalsThe current study used a transdiagnostic approach to explore experiences of consumers and professionals on how the process of assessing and diagnosing neurodevelopmental conditions can be improved.