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Sleep problems in Rett syndrome

Using information from the Australian Rett Syndrome study, we examined the frequency of a range of sleep issues and variation by agegroup or gene abnormalities.

Bone mineral content and density in Rett syndrome

We wanted to assess bone mineral content and bone mass density in girls and women in our Australian study, and whether specific factors had any influence.

Predictors of scoliosis in Rett syndrome

Using information provided by the Rett study, we looked at relationships of early development, genetic characteristics and the development of scoliosis.


Intellectual Disability

About 2 per cent of children are estimated to have an intellectual disability. The cause of the condition is unknown in at least 50 per cent of cases.


Rett Syndrome

A severe neurodevelopmental disorder mostly affecting girls.


qPCR assay optimisation for a clinical study comparing oral health risk in Rett syndrome

This study aimed to validate qPCR assays for specific microbiota, for use on dental plaque samples stored on Whatman FTA cards to compare relative oral health risk in Rett syndrome.


Genotype and sleep independently predict mental health in Rett syndrome: An observational study

Rett syndrome is a genetically caused neurodevelopmental disorder associated with severe impairments and complex comorbidities. This study examined predictors of anxiety and depression in Rett syndrome, including genotype.


Decline in gross motor skills in adult Rett syndrome; results from a Danish longitudinal study

Longevity of individuals with neurodevelopmental diseases as Rett syndrome (RTT) has increased and many reach adulthood and old age. There is therefore a need to increase knowledge about the course of RTT in adults in order to improve medical care management and quality of life.


Patterns of sedentary time and ambulatory physical activity in a Danish population of girls and women with Rett syndrome

We aimed to: (1) describe the patterns of sedentary time and daily steps and (2) identify the association of individual and environmental characteristitics.