
Autism is a complex developmental condition which results in differences in the way in which a person interacts, learns and behaves.

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Clinic update - December 2023There is lots of news to report from the clinic including holiday shutdown dates, appointment scheduling, staff updates, changes to creche, and service availability.

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Want to be part of shaping our research and services?CliniKids is committed to involving consumers and the community in all aspects of our research and service delivery. One way we do this is by providing the opportunity for consumers and community members to contribute through our community reference groups.

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WA duo recognised as world’s most frequent autism research collaborators of the decadeDirector of CliniKids, Professor Andrew Whitehouse, and Professor Murray Maybery, have been identified as the world’s most frequent autism research collaborators of the decade.
Investigating the impact of autistic children's feeding difficulties on caregiversThe aim of this study was to investigate the influence of children's autism characteristics, sensory profiles and feeding difficulties on caregiver-reported impact at mealtimes.
Caregiver sensitivity predicts infant language use, and infant language complexity predicts caregiver language complexity, in the context of possible emerging autismWhile theory supports bidirectional effects between caregiver sensitivity and language use, and infant language acquisition-both caregiver-to-infant and also infant-to-caregiver effects-empirical research has chiefly explored the former unidirectional path. In the context of infants showing early signs of autism, we investigated prospective bidirectional associations with 6-min free-play interaction samples collected for 103 caregivers and their infants (mean age 12-months; and followed up 6-months later).
Hypothesis-driven genome-wide association studies provide novel insights into genetics of reading disabilitiesReading Disability is often characterized by difficulties in the phonology of the language. While the molecular mechanisms underlying it are largely undetermined, loci are being revealed by genome-wide association studies.
The effect of oxytocin nasal spray on social interaction in young children with autism: a randomized clinical trialEarly supports to enhance social development in children with autism are widely promoted. While oxytocin has a crucial role in mammalian social development, its potential role as a medication to enhance social development in humans remains unclear.
Harmonized Phenotypes for Anxiety, Depression, and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)In multi-cohort consortia, the problem often arises that a phenotype is measured using different questionnaires. This study aimed to harmonize scores based on the Child Behaviour Check List (CBCL) and the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) for anxiety/depression and ADHD.
Occurrence of psychosis and bipolar disorder in adults with autism: A systematic review and meta-analysisEvidence suggests that individuals with autism spectrum disorder have increased rates of co-occurring psychosis and/or bipolar disorder. Considering the peak age of onset for psychosis and bipolar disorder occurs in adulthood, we investigated the co-occurrence of these disorders in adults with autism.